Have you been thinking about how the year went for you? I have! I’d like to share with you my year-end reflection and goals for the new year.
Last New Years Eve, I made three 2017 resolutions:
- Improve my writing skills
- Work on getting healthy and fit
- Improve my photography skills
Improve my writing skills
While this is a work in progress, my writing skills from when I started the blog in mid 2016 to now have jumped leaps and bounds. When you read my posts from the earlier days compared to more recent posts, it is evident.
Working on getting healthy and fit
While this is also a work in progress, I feel healthier and more fit than I was at the beginning of the year. But that’s not to say, during the year I had some setbacks. I socialized more with lunches and dinners out which meant indulging on heavy food and alcohol a bit more than necessary. I stayed active throughout the year with running and toning classes. In September I stepped it up a notch by joining Crossfit and have been going to class consistently. I’m feeling stronger and already seeing the benefits.
Improve my photography skills
Ok… I killed this goal! My blog and Instagram account pushed me to keep learning new skills in photography, editing photos and creating videos. You can visit my blog posts here and here to learn many of the skills I’ve acquired. After my latest video (click here to watch my heartwarming video about my foster dog Kanye!), I think I’m ready to tackle more advanced skills as I strive to increase my video content on social media and here on the blog.
Goals for the New Year
Branding and focus with Ounce of Salt
2017 was a year of trial and error regarding the content on my blog and Instagram. I spent the first half of the year frantically writing blog posts a few times a week… working around the clock! But I realized my reach wasn’t where I wanted it to be. I spent the last half of the year focusing more on my Instagram account and trying to test out what type of content my readers relate to most.

I’d love for you to follow me on Instagram at @ozofsalt! This is the social media platform where I am most active.
While my goal is still to inspire others to achieve their best versions of themselves, I want to do more in 2018 to use my voice to help those around the world who don’t have one.
This past summer, I led a porridge system project for Matanya’s Hope and traveled with them in Africa. This was a life changing experience for me. I learned firsthand, the impact each of us can make to improve our world.
Click below to see my thank you video which summarizes my experience. You may want to get your tissues out.
My goal in 2018 is to get involved with more small charity projects and help fund the ventures.
I intend to form a link between small charities and small businesses by marketing the small businesses on my platform. With this connection, I’m hoping to bring more charity projects to life. I’ll share about this soon… I am excited!
Become more journalistic
Telling stories that touch the heart– I want to do more of this, and become better at doing it! I’m especially excited about creating video content to document my future charity projects from beginning to end, highlighting the companies and individuals that make the projects possible.
Become stronger and leaner
What would a New Year’s resolution be without including a bit of vanity? With each passing year, I realize I can no longer look and feel like I did in my 20’s. But feeling healthy and in good shape is something I strive to make part of my lifestyle. So I will continue to work on getting more fit and lean through a healthy diet and consistent exercise. Diet will be a big part of my goal this year – eating cleaner with whole foods and minimizing processed foods. I’ve lost 4 lbs after 2 weeks on the Renaissance Periodization Diet, but it’s a pretty strict diet that I need to modify if I want to make it a part of my lifestyle long term (more to come on this later).
Happy New Year
Thanks for visiting my blog and following my journey with me. It’s so much more work than I ever imagined when I started! It is also the most humbling thing I’ve done.
To hear or read a comment from someone that they enjoyed reading a post or watching a video is so rewarding for me! I am grateful for your thoughts. Conversely, I’ve been hit hard by some judgmental comments. I am working on not letting negatively slow me down. I am learning as long as I believe in what my end goals are, I can rise above the insecurities- other peoples’ and my own.
This blog pushes me to live. It challenges me to explore and think on a deeper level. My hope is that it inspires you to do the same. So with this post, I challenge you to reflect on how your year went and think about your hopes for 2018. Happy New Year’s Eve and best wishes for a prosperous new year!
Great goals. Similar to my own. Plan to finish my memoir, exercise, and eat better. Like you, I’ll be revisiting my online marketing and branding.
Hi Kitt! Thanks for visiting my site! Best of luck to you on your goals. The rebranding and marketing is a big one! Lots of work but worth it.